Cody Beals’ Rookie Pro Season in Review
Cody Beals, a member of the Recharge With Milk Ambassador Team, made his professional debut this year.
Cody lists winning his hometown race at the Belwood Triathlon (Race Report), as one of his highlights of the year.
“I really had no idea what this season would bring when I took my elite card last January. I had no real plans, I had never raced outside my home province of Ontario and I only had two half distance races under my belt. Needless to say, I was thrilled to crack the top 5 at all my races over my longest season yet. More importantly, countless changes over the past year have put me on a sustainable track towards achieving my potential.
Here are three highlights, screw-ups, changes and surprises from my rookie pro season, plus some goals for 2015.”
Read the entire Cody’s 2014 Rookie Pro Season in Review.