We have put together some information that we hope will help you get ready for your first race or that can be used as a refresher for someone who is unsure about the flow of things on race day. We hope you find this information helpful but if you have any questions please email or contact us. Good luck and have a great time!
Here is a list of the equipment that you will need on race day:
Getting There
The first thing you need to do is get registered. There are three ways to register with MultiSport Canada. Online, mail or fax. MultiSport Canada’s online registration system is safe and secure. You can also print off a race application on the same webpage and mail or fax. We will always do our best to have race day registration for most events.
Please treat all volunteers with respect and courtesy. Many people will thank the volunteers even as they go by them during the race. If you want to see a volunteer smile thank them as you go by on the bike or run. Any abuse verbal or otherwise will lead to your immediate disqualification and permanent banning from future MultiSport Canada Triathlon Series events.
Please support all of our sponsors. They have decided to support us in order to provide you with a race venue. Beside any sponsorship money they also provide a lot of products and time to make race day a better experience for you.
Race Day
Here is a short video that covers the information below
Arriving At The Race Site
You should arrive at least 90 minutes before your race. There is usually race day registration however, if you’re pre-registered the registration process will go much quicker for you. Also, please note that some races have a cap on entry. Please make sure you register early for capped races so you are not disappointed when you try to register.
1) BIB Number Board
Look for the BIB Number board outside of the Transition Area. You will see large black boards with lists of racers. The names are listed alphabetically by last name. Beside each name is a BIB Number. You will need to know your BIB Number to rack your bike as they are racked by groups of numbers. Once you have the BIB Number enter the Transition Area and rack your bike properly, as per the instructions below.
2)The Transition Area
3) Racking Your Bike
At almost every race we are finding that more and more people are a little unclear as to the best way to rack a bike and get the maximum space for their other race gear. We have prepared a page dedicated on How To Rack you Bike page so that everyone can understand how to maximize the space around their bike in Transition Area.
If you are an experienced athlete please take the time to help that person who is racking beside you and needs to better understand how to rack. This will not only help them but will ensure that you have the best possible racking scenario.
Please go to the How To Rack your Bike page.
4) BIB Number Pick-up
Just beyond the Transition Area you will see two 10×10 pop-up tents with BIB Number signs. Please get your BIB Number here and proceed to Race Kit Pick-up.
5) Registration and Race Kit Pick-Up
Once you have racked your bike look for the signs that say “REGISTRATION”. In some instances this will be in a park pavilion near Transition but usually is under a large White Tent. Here is where you will get your Race Kit.
Race Kit Pickup
Your race kit will include your race Technical T-shirt, swim cap (for triathlon), safety pins and in some cases special offers from our sponsors.
Race Course Maps
On race day beside registration will be a display of the race course maps for the day’s races. You should make sure that you have familiarized your self with all aspects of the race course. If you have questions please ask at registration for clarification. Each of our race webpages has a complete downloadable map of each of the courses within each race. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the race course prior to race day. It is your responsibility to know the course. It is recommended that you drive a course in a car in advance of race day to get familiar with the course.
6) Body Marking
Once you know your race number and have picked up your Race Kit proceed to the Body Marking Area. Here the volunteers will mark your race number and age group category on your arm and calves. This will also let you know who you are passing during the race.
7) Sportstats Timing Chip
Next stop is the Sportstats Timing Area. Champion Chip timing chips automatically record your race times as you cross the timing mats during the race. You will find the timing chips on a Velcro board in race number order. It is absolutely necessary that you have the correct Timing Chip when you cross the timing mats. Splits and overall race times are taken for timing by crossing the chip timing mats at select points along the course and the finish line. Please make sure THAT YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TIMIMNG CHIP on your ankle. You should put the timing chip on immediately so that here is no chance of losing it.
The timing chip will be collected at the finish line. If for some reason you can’t finish, be sure to turn your timing chip back in to the Sportstats tent. You will be charged a replacement fee if your chip is not returned.
If you are racing as a RELAY TEAM you will only get one timing chip. You must pass the chip to the next member of your team in the Transition Area at bike. Race results are available on the Sportstats and the Triathlon Series websites later on race day or by 5:00pm the next day of a weekend with two days events.
We hope you find this information helpful but if you have any questions please email or contact us. Good luck and have a great time!