Trysport Niagara’s Biggest Triathlon Sale
Join us for our BIGGEST Triathlon Sale May 18th to May 21rd IN-STORE
ALL Pearl Izumi Tri, Run and Cycling is 50% OFF that includes triathlon suits, custom products, running shoes, cycling shoes, socks, hats…
CEP socks 50% OFF
Helmets 50% OFF
Swimwear buy 1 get 1 50% OFF
TWO PIECE swimwear 50% OFF
ADDED DEAL! WITH ANY PURCHASE OF $50 or more GET A PAIR OF Pearl Izumi technical socks for ONLY $5*
*select styles
- Last years’ Nineteen Pipeline Wetsuit now $240* (Regular $370)
- Last years’ Nineteen Pipeline Sleeveless Wetsuit now $175* (Regular $300)
- Last years’ Nineteen Rogue Wetsuit now $500* (Regular $800)
*select sizes available, first come first serve, no rain-checks
ALL Sports Nutrition 10% OFF
All Personal Care Products 10 % OFF
- Body Glide
- Swim Shampoo, conditioner and lotion
- SUN Bum Sunscreen
- Chemois Butt’r