MultiSport Canada Invites You to Discuss Triathlon & Duathlon


MultiSport Canada is interested in learning why people come to the sports of triathlon and duathlon and would like your help.

If you are an athlete who started participating in triathlon or duathlon within the last two years we would like you to join a focus group we will be facilitating. The evening would be a discussion about why people
became interested, why they decided to race, why they chose the specific first time race and whether there were any hurdles for you to overcome before finally committing, training and then racing.

These sessions should last no more than 90 minutes, with one being held at Enduro Sport in Toronto and another in Barrie.

The Toronto date will be Wednesday February 17 and Barrie will be held on Thursday February 25.

As a thank you for participating we will be offering a two for one race offer. Please contact with Focus Group in the subject line and let us know if you are interested. The size of the groups will be limited so please respond soon.
