2023 Bracebridge Post Race Report
From all of the staff at MultiSport Canada, we were happy to see the return of Bracebridge Triathlon and Duathlon on what will be its new early-July date.
In stark contrast to the hot weather last week, the weekend started with pleasant temperatures for the Olympic Tri and International Du, followed by even cooler and nearly windless conditions on Sunday for the Sprint and Give-It-A-Tri Events.
In the Olympic Tri, we saw a battle between Marek Bialkowski and Mikael Staer Nathan on the Men’s side and typically strong performances from Kristin Marchant and Angela Lilly on the Women’s side.
Of special note in 5th overall was Jim Sunners followed by Clive Morgan in 9th overall – both racing in 60-64!
Congratulations to Eric Ducharme and Michelle Chartrand, the top performers in Sunday’s Sprint Duathlon! We hope all the Sprint Duathletes enjoyed participating in this qualifying event for the 2024 Multisport World Championships.
Please mark the date in your calendars! We will be hosting the Bracebridge Triathlon and Duathlon next year on July 6th and 7th.
Our entire staff is looking forward to the rest of the season and we hope to see YOU at another MultiSport Canada event in 2023!
Jason Vurma
President – MultiSport Canada
Congratulations to all who braved the start line in Bracebridge!
Sportstats.ca is the official timing company of the Multisport Canada Triathlon Series
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