2023 Barrie Post Race Report
From all of the staff at MultiSport Canada, we were so happy to welcome the largest number of participants the Barrie Triathlon, Duathlon, and Kids of Steel has seen in the past 20 years!
Saturday morning was a perfect day to kick off the weekend with our Give-It-A-Tri and Kids of Steel events. The fun continued all weekend as we greeted so many smiling faces at the Finish Line.
A special congratulations goes-out to Triathlon Ontario 12-13 Youth Cup participants on Saturday! The Youth Cup Awards were presented by Taylor Reid and we would like to thank him for setting a great example by giving his time to support younger athletes.
Sunday morning again saw record numbers in the modern era of the Barrie Triathlon for the Sprint Triathlon and Sprint Duathlon.
Thank you to those who reached out asking about the rider that went down on the turnaround. We are relieved to report that the rider had no serious injuries; medical staff were able to stabilize the athlete until paramedics arrived.
Our entire staff is looking forward to the rest of the season and we hope to see YOU at another MultiSport Canada event in 2023!
Jason Vurma
President – MultiSport Canada
Congratulations to all who braved the start line in Barrie
Sportstats.ca is the official timing company of the Multisport Canada Triathlon Series
FREE Photos for all Multisport Canada Participants Provided By:
Saturday, Aug 12th and Sunday, Aug 13th
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