What to train when you can’t train
by: Carolynne Simons
The body keeps score. It’s constantly talking to you, and if you’ve ever been knocked off your feet? You know exactly what I’m talking about.
Life-threatening injuries.
May 15th marked a big OFF day in my training log. Following that, I put my business on hold, let people step in around the house, and started pouring all my trust into a 4 person healthcare team….all during Covid-times.
There are some great parallels here, in that crisis brings danger and opportunity.
How can we turn this around during a challenging time?
Create daily high points:
- slept really well
- did 20 mins of mindfulness work
- avoided foods that have inflammatory properties
Track your symptoms (because we all forget):
- 6am: got out of bed with a little bit more ease
- 11am: walked for 30 minutes and had to stop, L leg balance was weak
- 2pm: sat down and couldn’t flex forward
- 3pm: put laptop on a stand and focused for 1 hour with no pain
- 8pm: did doc’s exercises and after stood upright with weight load evenly distributed
If the training plan is directed inwards and focused on personal development only, the time spent doing all the things you need to do can also be coupled with a psychological framework that’s line with the outcome you want. Ask yourself what kind of athlete do you want to show up as after all of this?
Navigating back to normal life:
- Having a clear vision of what you would like to see
- Get rid of any negative thoughts: can’t, won’t etc.
- Identify what phase of recovery you’re in: acute inflammatory phase, repair phase or remodeling phase (insert frustration or mindset shift anywhere here).
As a card-carrying member of the human race, I thought it would be disingenuous as a coach/athlete if I wasn’t fully transparent during this personal growth journey. Remember, a positive outlook has to be cultivated and self esteem is really the ability to see yourself as a flawed individual, and still hold yourself in high regard. If you’ve been stopped dead in your tracks, now is the time to give your all to whatever matters to you.
What’s the secret to getting better?
Not quitting the process of getting better.
Listen in on this podcast: Gaining an Edge – Physical Fitness for Leaders