
Race Reports from Rose City

Here are some great athlete race reports from #MSCWelland #MSCRoseCity to take a look at. Angela Quick’s Race Report – Women’s Champion Miranda Tomenson’s Report – Women’s Runner Up Billy Bostad – 6th Overall Lauren Heinken’s Report – 5th place woman

Strengthening to Avoid Injury

By: Miranda Tomenson, MSc I asked my chiropractor about the most common cause of running related injuries. His response was that weak gluteal muscles (AKA bum muscles) are the most common cause. This muscles are primary involved in keeping you upright and extending your leg behind you. Apparently, when they are weak, a person will […]

Why I Race Local?

Miranda Tomenson is one of our new members of the Recharge With Milk Ambassador Team. On a recent post on her blog, she writes about why she chooses to race local. We’ve included that post below and invite you to read this insightful article.