Splash & Dash Series
Once again, Sheri Fraser Coaching is running the Splash & Dash Series.
Splashes start on May 25th-Aug 17.
We’ve added one more Wed night to the series making it 13 weeks of the best training you can get for the season- inexpensive and lots of fun
Swim- 750/1500 Run 2.5/5K
Timed swim and run 5 K results Aid Station on the 5K
Lifeguard supervision Post race snacks
Triathlon Ontario Sanctioned- Insurance is required for each participant
Lake Whittaker www.kettlecreekconservation.on.ca
13 race series $150 +HST 19.50 = 169.50
London Triathlon Club Members $140 + HST- 18.20 =158.20
Coaching Package Discount / or 6 races $120 +HST 15.60 = 137.60
Race day entries must be received in cash or cheque $23 + HST 2.99
**** entry fee per car to conservations areas is collected at the park gate
****Season Passes are the cheapest way to go and most people will car pool for the summer. Please ask Sheri to connect you with Splashers in your driving area who make be able to share costs.