Reminder for the Bala Falls Retro Day!
The Retro Day is about having some fun and bringing back the early days of triathlon. There will be prizes for the best male and female “retro” outfits and a prize for the best “retro” bike. We will also have a Mystery Prize for the Best Overall Retro Look. Judging will be based on creativity, originality and authenticity.
Given that many may be wearing wetsuits it is probably impractical to have a special wave or try to showcase all of the retro athletes. So…here is what we will do:
- When you pick-up your BIB number at registration we will get you to tell us if you are one of our “retro” athletes. If yes, we will add an “R” to your BIB Number.
- When you cross the Finish Line we will be judging the various outfits/athletes and making note of the BIB number and rating the outfits.
- Once the race is complete and before the Awards we will ask all of the Retro Bike athletes to come forward. We will let the spectators see your bike beauties and then we will pick the Top 3 Male and Female. We will then let the spectators choose the winners with a show of applause.
- For the Retro Outfits we will ask all of the athletes to come forward for a little fashion show and we will announce the Top 3 Male and Female as judged at the Finish Line. We will then let the spectators choose the winners with a show of applause.
- We will also announce the Mystery Prize winner for the Best Overall Retro Racer
This may be the most Speedos we have seen in a long while and could get really interesting.
- Best Male and Female Retro Outfits
- Best Male and Female Retro Bike
- Mystery Prize