Race Reports from the Rose City Triathlon Weekend
Thanks for all the great comments we’ve received by email, Twitter or on our Facebook page about the awesome time you had at the Rose City Triathlon weekend.
Check out these Rose City Race Reports from some members of the Recharge With Milk Ambassador Team (Jesse, Meghan and Scott), and this time we’ve also included some guest appearances from other racers from the weekend. Enjoy and maybe pick up a few tips from these athletes.
Jesse Bauer – Overall Winner of Saturday’s Duathlon
It’s been a tough 3 weeks of training since my last race in Woodstock, but I came in to my favourite venue at my favourite race series on an emotional high. The final result is best described by Lou Brown in Major League 2. However, my second win of the 2014 season started off with a little bit of a scare. After a good warm-up and little recon of the course (ie. getting to know which potholes to avoid if I wanted to keep my front wheel intact), I was heading out to the start line when I caught a glimpse of the great Dave Frake racking his bike. As he had just come off setting a course record at the Real Deal Gears Thursday Night Time Trial, I was a tad relieved to hear that he would be competing in the duathlon relay (where he put up a stunning 41:24 split on the 30km bike). The target on my back was quickly apparent when series director John Salt called out in front of the entire field asking Larry whether he was going to run me down or not! Read Jesse’s entire Race Report.
Meghan Lamers – Saturday’s Women’s Triathlon Champion
This past weekend, I competed in MultiSport Canada’s Recharge with Milk series in Welland, ON. I raced the sprint distance, which went as follows: 750m swim, a 425m run up to T1, 30km bike, and a 7.5km run. The course in Welland is pretty flat and fast. On race day, it was chilly and there was a definite wind. It was one of the few races where the air temperature was actually colder than the water temperature! Read the rest of Meghan’s Race Report.
Scott Knowles – Getting in some prep for the Barrelman
As the race loomed closer, I knew I had not fully prepared physically for what would be coming up for the half iron distance triathlon. I decided that my plan would be to work on preparing nutritionally for the race, and see how I felt at the end of the bike as to whether I would continue onto the run or call it quits there. I began my summer job shortly after coming back from university. In previous years, work has not had a huge impact on my training, however my commute is now around 2 hours in both directions. This sudden change in day time available made adjusting my training schedule difficult.
Parichit Bagga – Overall Winner of the Half Bike/Run
So in the past few weeks, my quads (left one in particular) have been feeling particularly heavy regardless of how much rest I give them. I’ve been taking it easy but in Binbrook duathlon last week, I could tell that something was up when during the opening 5 kms, I started getting really tight quads restricting my stride. Anyway…I followed the mantra during race week, taking it easy. I got a light massage on Wednesday but the tiredness didn’t dissipate. I tried doing a quick taper type workout on Thursday (5 km run at LT, 15 min bike, 3-4 km quick run off the bike). I warmed up, stretched right but once I began running, I couldn’t do it. My left quad tightened up so bad after 10 mins that I began noticeably limping. There was no pain, just a lot of tightness. I abandoned my workout and seriously considered pulling out of this Welland race. Read the rest of Parichit’s Race Report.
Kim Osborne – Also getting in some Barrelman prep
What an awesome day and perfect race! Welland Rose City Triathlon was my first half iron distance triathlon, and preparation for Ironman Canada in less than 6 weeks. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, and the team at Multisport Canada hosted a fun and organized race where everything just fell into place. Read Kim’s Race Report.
Janine Moffett – A first-timer’s experience
I’ll admit I was nervous to do my first triathlon – the Welland Sprint Triathlon. I was like a fish out of water–”where do I go, what do I need…?”– but everyone at the race was incredibly helpful and friendly. I was expecting to be intimidated by the other triathletes, who not only run (like myself) but swim and cycle, but I enjoyed talking to everyone I met. Everyone shared stories and tips and we all lined up for the swim in the best of spirits.Read Janine’s Race Report.