Race Report MSC Gravenhurst
By Jessy Déroneth, @jessy.du.run.it
So, having tossed some of my season goals away, I’ve decided to run whichever amount my hamstring was going to let me run and enjoy racing for the sake of racing.
Well what a great place to do it in Gravenhurst! I have loved racing #MSCBracebridge and considering I am strong on hills, I figured I wouldn’t mind a hilly course.
Kidding. I registered because at the time I wanted to qualify to be on the Canadian team at the ITU Championship in Netherlands again and it was the only Sprint Duathlon distance spot in Ontario to do so.
But I’m kinda not sure that I want to go to Netherlands. Again, the expenses are up there and I want to save up for future opportunities. But I’d kinda like to qualify for it. And I also paid to qualify. But I kinda should not focus on that. Ugh. So I kinda, don’t. But I kinda do.
Nevertheless, #MSCGravenhurst was the goal race so I still wanted to do well by my standards. The beauty of this sport is that you really compete with yourself and not much with others. Of course, to get a qualifying spot on the Canadian team, you do have to be 1st in your age category. No pressure at all.
I am going to cut to the chase. I did not secure a spot. However as soon as woke up in Gravenhurst, I was taken by the beauty of the area. Anyone ever been?! It is heavenly there!!! The air is fresh, the sky is blue and there are trees… everywhere! (a reminder that I live in London, ON and we have metal trees)
I arrived Saturday morning at 3am and had secured a great basement airbnb 5 minutes BIKING (not driving, BIG difference) to the Wharf, which also had a grocery store and the YMCA 2 minute walking distance. Meaning pre race fueling and training checked. I woke up again Saturday morning 8am to the sound of the rain and the distant voice of what I assume to be Steve Fleck on the microphone cheering the racers as they were caught by the sudden rain at the International distance races. I sat on the patio and took it all in. Oh. My. Happy. Place.
I soon took a stroll in the rain to the Wharf where I finally had the privilege to pick Shane’s #STAC, now #4iii’s brain and meet his family. I got to thank Shawn who saved my bike seasons after seasons at @Velofix.
Fast forward to Sunday a.m.: a bit of a different format as I focusing on the race experience. I am glad to see that despite being slower on running hills, I am maintaining my speed and had one of my best bike time (#STAC legs, people) as I always struggle to beat the 40 minute mark for 20k. Oh and my transition is still under 1 minute!!!!
Great times at the #STAC tent with the #STAC family -a reminder have you can get yourself a FULL smart trainer at 50% off from a great service and great Canadian Company that excel at anything cycling -did I say that I had my second best bike race time? https://www.staczero.com/order
A huge thank you to whomever decided to play my #1 training motivation song:
Last but not least, to the city and residents of Gravenhurst: moving from a big center, I have not had much interest in discovering parts of Ontario. I ended up spending a weekend there getting to know the community and the town itself along enjoying the surrounding nature. Events like these lead by @MultiSportCanada encourage like minded and positive individual to support the people and economy of this town.