How to Optimize Your Bone Health
What you eat and drink along with the type of exercise you partake in all play important roles in bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become weak, fragile and fracture more easily due to loss of calcium and other minerals. Although symptoms of this condition are associated with aging, the process can begin much earlier. Studies have shown that highly active individuals who restrict calories leading to low body weight, nutrient deficiencies and menstrual disturbances when ignored, can lead to premature bone thinning and osteoporosis. It is essential that daily strategies for achieving optimal bone health are being met.
Goals for Optimizing Bone Health…
Calcium and vitamin D promote optimal bone health. Research shows that people who have lower intake of calcium-rich foods typically have lower bone mass than those with the same age consuming adequate amounts of calcium. Calcium recommendations for adults are 1000 mg per day. Rich food sources include dairy products such as low fat milk, leafy green vegetables, almonds and some fish.
Vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption. Current recommendations are 600 IU per day. Milk is a great way to obtain vitamin D from your diet. Other food sources include fish, eggs, salmon, sardines and mushrooms. Regular safe sun exposure also helps increase your levels of vitamin D.
Protein helps build bone. People who consume adequate amounts of protein tend to have improved bone health. Meat and milk products as well as soy products, beans and lentils are good sources of protein.
Weight bearing exercise adds to your bone mass! Resistance training and high-impact exercise such as running are essential in both building and maintaining your bone density.
Getting In Your Bone Building Optimizers
* Salmon sandwich & glass of low fat milk
* Smoothie made with milk, fortified orange juice, and berries
* Omelette (yolks included) made with low fat milk, low fat cheese and broccoli
* Chocolate milk
Including low fat chocolate milk in your post-exercise snack or meal will help maximize your muscle recovery and optimize your bone health! Bookmark to get updates, event details and all the latest news from the original recovery drink.
* Dunford M, Doyle JA. Chapter 9: Minerals in: Nutrition for Sport and Exercise. 2nd edition. 2012. Wadsworth .
* Optimizing bone health: impact of nutrition, exercise and hormones. Sports Science Exchange. Gatorade Sports Science Institute. Vol 14(2001). No. 3
* Liberato Sc, Bressan J, Hills AP. The role of physical activity and diet on bone mineral indices in young men: a cross-sectional study. J Intl Soc Sports Nutr 2013, 10:43
* Pentyala, S, Mysore P, Pentyala S, Rahman A, et al. Osteoporosis in Female Athletes. IJCTD 2013, 1:103
* Khan K, Green R, Saul A, BEnnell K, et al. Retired elite female ballet dancers and nonathletic controls have similar bone mineral density at weightbearing sites. JBMDR 1996, 11:10
* “Eating Guidelines to Prevent Osteoporosis – It’s Never Too Late”