Bracebridge Post-Race Report 2016
Quick links – Get the full Bracebridge 2016 Race Results. Get your free #MSCBracebridge race pictures at Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share your experiences, view the experiences of others, and to get race day coverage and up to date information.
#MSCBracebridge – Home of The Time Trial Triathlons
When you race any of the triathlons at Bracebridge, it is the “Race of Truth.” With everyone starting the swim in 5 second intervals, it’s you against the clock, and every second counts. Taking it easy for a few seconds can make the difference between first and second place once you cross the finish line. This type of format sets the stage for some interesting and exciting racing.
Thanks to Local Presenting Sponsor
We would like to thank our Local Presenting Sponsor
If you are not able to make it out to the Recharge with Milk Wasaga Beach Triathlon, check out the Bobby Orr Hall of Fame Triathlon on August 28th, in beautiful Parry Sound.
Saturday August 6, 2016 – Sprint Day at #MSCBracebridge

Yes! Even the ducks were getting in on the time trialling fun.
Toronto’s Ruston Martin and Kitchener’s Tina Rogers (pictured above) won the Sprint Triathlon.
Bracebridge Sprint Triathlon 2016 (750m swim, 20km bike, 5 km run) – Top 5 Men
- Ruston Martin (Toronto, ON) 1:04:46
- Ryan McCallum (Richmond Hill) 1:05:30
- Emrys Halbertsma (Blue Mountain) 1:06:38
- Stevie Blankenship (Aylmer) 1:07:14
- Allan Fowler (Sharon) 1:07:36
Bracebridge Sprint Triathlon 2016 (750m swim, 20km bike, 5 km run) – Top 5 Women
- Tina Rogers (Kitchener) 1:16:27
- Angela Giddens (North Bay) 1:17:26
- Anne Belanger (Toronto) 1:17:51
- Jordie Seaton (Thornhill) 1:17:52
- Marlene Line (Burlington) 1:17:56
Bracebridge’s Brian Moore defended his title in the Sprint Duathlon, while Udora’s Jennifer Froebel was the first overall woman.

#MSCBracebridge Sprint Duathlon 2016 – Top 5 Women & Men
Bracebridge Sprint Duathlon 2016 (5km run, 20km bike, 2.5 km run) – Top 5 Men
- Brian Moore (Bracebridge) 1:01:55
- David Moore (Bracebridge) 1:10:26
- Matthew Robb (Toronto) 1:13:10
- David Flood (Beeton) 1:17:51
- Pat Serafino (Maple) 1:19:55
Bracebridge Sprint Duathlon 2016 (5km run, 20km bike, 2.5 km run) – Top 5 Women
- Jennifer Froebel (Udora) 1:14:40
- Karri Beck (Richmond Hill) 1:17:25
- Natalie Wright (Kilworthy) 1:20:48
- Mary-Ann McKinley (Niagara Falls) 1:21:19
- Jennifer Archibald (London) 1:22:09
The youngsters stole the show in the Give-It-A-Tri, as Jack Ciotlos and Faith Caswell ran away with overall wins.

#MSCBracebridge Give-It-A-Tri 2016 – Top 5 Women & Men
Bracebridge Give-It-A-Tri 2016 (400m swim, 10km bike, 2.5km run) – Top 5 Men
- Jack Ciotlos (Toronto) 35:33
- Bridger Hunt (King City) 38:18
- Luc Guenette (Timmins) 38:43
- Keaton Harber (Dundas) 38:49
- Connor Ciotlos (Toronto) 39:06
Bracebridge Give-It-A-Tri 2016 (400m swim, 10km bike, 2.5km run) – Top 5 Women
- Faith Caswell (Markham) 41:12
- Angela Gervase (Stayner) 41:25
- Laura Poole (Hamilton) 43:49
- Taylor MacLennan (Aurora) 44:02.1
- Alex Whiting (Ancaster) 44:02.6
Swim/Bike Winners
Sprint Swim/Bike – Michael Parker & Melanie Beaton
Give-It-A-Tri Swim/Bike – Sarah Broadworth & Jeff Hill
Relay Winners
Sprint Duathlon Relay – MJ
Sprint Triathlon Relay – Hermanos de Madres Diferentes
Give-It-A-Tri Relay – Team Markham
Congrats to All of Our First Timers – Welcome to the Triathlon Family
Saturday August 7, 2016 – A Day for the longer distances
The Olympic Triathlon saw Kitchener’s Alex VanderLinden defend his title, and Toronto’s Miranda Tomenson get her first at Bracebridge.

#MSCBracebridge Olympic Triathlon 2016 – Top 5 Women & Men
Bracebridge Olympic Triathlon 2016 (1.5km Run, 42km Bike, 10km Run) – Top 5 Men
- Alex VanderLinden (Kitchener, ON) 2:03:14
- Brandon Habermehl (Milton) 2:08:36
- Cameron Black (Aurora) 2:15:49
- Justin Beck (Milton) 2:18:36
- Andrew Grove (Ottawa) 2:18:48
Bracebridge Olympic Triathlon 2016 (1.5km Run, 42km Bike, 10km Run) – Top 5 Women
- Miranda Tomenson (Toronto) 2:17:48
- Fiona Whitby (Toronto) 2:23:19
- Nina Sieh (Mississauga) 2:25:28
- Georgette Mink (Angus) 2:26:58
- Angela Lilly (Sterling) 2:29:56
Etobicoke’s Andrew McLeod managed to edge out Windsor’s Daryl Flacks for the overall International Duathlon win. Toronto’s Alexandra Bade dominated the women’s race from start to finish.

#MSCBracebridge International Duathlon 2016 – Top 5 Women & Men
Bracebridge International Duathlon 2016 (10km Run, 42km Bike, 5km Run) – Top 5 Men
- Andrew McLeod (Etobicoke) 2:10:26
- Daryl Flacks (Windsor) 2:11:25
- Cameron Mitchell (Markham) 2:12:49
- Mark Cullen (Markham) 2:17:38
- Kevin Cho (Toronto) 2:20:38
Bracebridge International Duathlon 2016 (10km Run, 42km Bike, 5km Run) – Top 5 Women
- Alexandra Bade (Toronto) 2:36:45
- Ivey Chiu Forrest (Toronto) 2:49:58
- Brittany Mels (Scotland) 2:55:26
- Karan Gardiner (St. Catherines) 2:56:38
- Simone Kaptein (Etobicoke) 2:59:23
Swim/Bike Winners
Olympic Swim/Bike – Steve Whitmore & Catherine Rose
Relay Winners
Olympic Triathlon Relay – Mayak Tri
International Duathlon Relay – Rob & Sherman
Not ready for doing all three or two sports for yourself? Get your friends or family together to participate as a Relay Team. It will be a fun day for all.
Media and Athlete Reports
Triathlon Magazine Canada Race Recap
Check out the #MSCBracebridge: Post-race chatter and reports (CLICK HERE)
We’ve included a few below.
Bracebridge in August
By TJ Flynn
Down by the river, Steve Fleck, with that sweet and soothing voice of his, was beginning to come across the tannoy on Sunday morning. Unusually, I was straining to hear what he was saying before he continued his introduction, making things clear.
“We’ve got a lot of cottagers across the river,” he explained “and it’s high season here in Bracebridge, so we’re going to keep the volume level a little lower this morning.”
Nice touch, I thought, and it made a lot of sense to me.
Two years ago, Bracebridge was the first sprint triathlon I’d taken part in. I’d dipped my torso in the water the summer before with a 70.3, and was taken aback by the all around high-intensity of that event.
All weekend, there were athletes everywhere I looked. I spent over 40 minutes registering the day before the race, and another 40 minutes travelling by bus to reach the venue from a designated parking lot. It was a big, brash event, probably not suited to a first-timer like myself. But I was green, and wasn’t properly prepared, but that’s what you do when you know little else.
In Bracebridge, things were different. The calm, relaxed atmosphere reeled me in two years ago, settled me down. Nobody seemed to be in a rush on race morning. Fittingly, the day had a vacation aura to it and I reckoned I’d be back.
Since then, for one reason or another, groups of us have travelled back and forth to Bracebridge from time-to-time purely on the back of that first visit and it’s unlikely I’d have discovered the town so early on during my life in Ontario were it not for that sprint triathlon.
Hopefully, municipalities and businesses can appreciate the long-term exposure a two-day triathlon event can bring to their part of the world – particularly considering the efforts MultiSport makes in ensuring there’s no unnecessary impact to everyday life, as evidenced by Steve’s announcement at the weekend.
So this was my third trip to Bracebridge for a race, making it the most familiar venue in my own head.
The whole race is pleasing to me. The swim is never intimidating up there. The time-trial start works perfectly for anybody with question marks over their swim, the river bank is never too far away and it’s unlikely you’ll steer too far off course.
Typically, I’ll have reservations before the swim but for the first time, this wasn’t the case on Sunday morning.
The day moved along and without too much fuss I was out of the water and on the bike, drifting past the smell of holiday-makers’ cooking sausages along Santa’s Village Road. (Along with Butter and Egg Road further along the Bracebridge bike course, these are the most uniquely named thoroughfares you’ll ride your bike on.)
I’d been looking forward to the ten K run as a chance to push things a little, to see where the legs are after a couple of solid months of training. I was clawing to a 4.10/kilometre pace for most of the run, navigating over little rises that kept things interesting. I was pleased with the run and more pleased when I turned left for the little grassy decline towards the finish.
When things were done, John Salt popped out of nowhere, put his hand out, as he always does, and slapped my back. I was gasping for air and could barely string a reply together, the sign of a decent race.
Next year will make it four in a row in Bracebridge for me, and clearly, there’s no place I’d rather be in early August.
Bracebridge – More Than Just A Race
By Daryl Flacks
This weekend MultiSport Canada’s Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series traveled to Bracebridge, ON. I was registered for the International Duathlon on Sunday but for this event Dianne and I chose to make the road trip up early and volunteer on Saturday. This article is not exactly a race recap, but rather one that attempts to capture the essence that is MultiSport.
This was our 3rd weekend in the Muskokas in a little over a month. As a MultiSport Canada Ambassador from Windsor, travel is inevitable. It’s why I shake my head when I hear those who are unwilling to travel for competition. I’m not afraid to say that Duathletes are a finicky bunch when it comes to travel. I may be in the minority but I train long, compete frequently and am willing to travel for competition. I’m also lucky enough to have a wife who is both supportive and willing to actively participate wherever she can.
So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when I say it was Dianne who suggested we make the nearly 6 hour drive on Friday, following a full day of work to volunteer on Saturday. Dianne and my son Dakota had both volunteered in Gravenhurst and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We left Windsor by 5 pm and arrived somewhere closer to midnight. We parked the vehicle behind a school and obtained some much needed sleep. 5 am arrived early, as it often does and by 6am we were on site receiving direction for our day’s activities.
As I’m sure any Race Director can tell you, a crucial part of any event are the volunteers. I was assigned to the first aid station and it became quickly apparent that volunteers were in short supply. I was alone initially but it was here I met Kristen – a teacher by trade and a MultiSport Canada employee in the summer. She had recently qualified for Kona and her passion for the sport unquestionable. I also met a young lad who couldn’t be much older than my son (14 years old). This was his first job and his work ethic and positive energy simply outstanding. I was extremely impressed with his desire to ensure each and every athlete was hydrated. With only two of us and an on slot of participants coming at us from both directions, we often struggled to stay ahead. At times we were unable to keep up but he always managed to fill his cups, catch up to the athletes and ensure they were not missed.
The Sprint Duathletes were first on the scene with local sensations Brian and David Moore leading the field. I had an opportunity post-race to congratulate them on their performances. They finished 1 and 2 respectively and as talented as they are, they are both extremely humble. Mrs. Moore was present and the pride she exuded was clearly evident. Her boys had made her proud, it was how it was supposed to play out and no one could argue differently.
Then there was Melanie McPherson, the Para-Duathlete. Melanie wheeled on by with focus and determination. Sometime had passed, when I realized she had not returned. The medical support cycled out to the turnaround but she was nowhere to be seen. Melanie had gone too far and with the lack of volunteers she had unknowingly continued on her way. Of all the competitors, the lack of volunteer support effected Melanie most of all. I admired her fortitude and positive attitude through it all. I spoke to Melanie at the completion of her race, not a single mention of the incident or ill word spoken.
The highlight of my day though was the Give-It-A-Tri. I had the pleasure of meeting Lynda Watkins the final finisher of the day. I travelled the last 1.25 km with Lynda who was completing her first event. Lynda was 65 years old, she’d had a knee replacement but that didn’t stop her. Her children were all about possibilities she stated. She had called them Friday evening to tell them she was going to do it. She shared with me how her daughter had just qualified for her 3rd Kona and how proud she was of her. If her daughter could finish an Ironman she could complete a Triathlon. As she approached the final descent accompanied also by Adam Eikenberry (official) and the young bicycle medic, I joked with Lynda that we were setting the bar pretty high with her own escort to the finish line. Lynda’s response, “next time I won’t need you guys, I’ll be faster.” Yes, they’ll be a next time and great news for the sport. As she crossed the finish line, I heard Lynda yell, “thanks Ambassador.”
Saturday evening as we relaxed, Dianne and I had the pleasure of meeting TJ Flynn and Shane Wickham – you won’t find two nicer individuals in the sport. I was also pleasantly surprised to find that TJ actually reads my reports. I’ve admired TJ’s journalistic abilities and followed Shane’s results as a fellow Duathlete but this was the first time we’ve had the opportunity to officially meet. We shared some stories and laughs and there’s something about an Irish accent that puts one at ease. It was a great way to end an eventful day.
Sunday was race day and for Dianne a second day of volunteering. The course was as difficult and as challenging as I had remembered. I managed a 2nd place finish overall behind the ever consistent Andrew McLeod! It wasn’t the race though that had the most profound effect on me. It was the woman who approached me at the end of the day while I was preparing to leave transition. She had read my article Battling Depression – My Strongest Competitor. She noted that she doesn’t spend much time on the computer in the evenings, but she had taken the time to read my article. Her sister suffers from depression and for the first time she understood what her sister could not express. She thanked me for helping her understand and for that I was thankful.
I travelled to Bracebridge this weekend to race and came away with so much more. Volunteering is vital for the success of any event and something each and every athlete should experience. I challenge my fellow competitors to give back to the sport. MultiSport Canada offers all its volunteers $35.00 off a future race as an incentive.
Recharge With Milk & The Ambassador Team
Make sure to stop by the Recharge With Milk Recovery Zone to get your post-race Chocolate Milk, swag, recover, to have to fun with your fellow racers, and to ask our Recharge With Milk Ambassador Athletes any questions that you might have.
Recharge With Milk Racer of the Day
Congratulations to Chris Cheeseman & Tina Rogers on being the Racers of the Day! They have each won a free race entry, Chocolate Milk for a month and a Recharge With Milk Swag Bag!
Find the details on how you may BECOME THE RACER OF THE DAY!
Nineteen Wetsuit Racer of the Day
The winner receives a Nineteen Pipeline FS wetsuit (MSRP $300).
TRYSPORT the Official Swim Course Sponsor of the Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series.
2XU Racer of the Day
The winner receives a 2XU Prize Pack worth $310
Skechers Racer of the Day
Skechers Performance is the Presenting Sponsor and Official Running Shoe for the Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series, and Title Sponsor for the Niagara Falls Barrelman Triathlon.
Mentholatum Fastest Triathletes of the Day
Alex VanderLinden and Miranda Tomenson took home Metholatum Prize Packs as the Fastest Male and Female Triathletes of the Day.
Free Race Pictures from – One of the Many Perks of Racing with Us
View and download your images at
Here are some cool shots captured by Zoomphoto.

John Salt (The Boss), and Bob Hatcher (One of the best photographers anywhere).

Timex Watch winners are always smiling.

Stay for the Draw Prizes and you can be rewarded with Rudy Project gear and other cool prizes.

Bob Wild, 84, prepping to finish another duathlon.
Thanks to All of our Volunteers
We rely extensively on our communities (local service clubs, sport teams, athlete family members, current and past competitors) to provide the many volunteers required to safely stage our races. We need volunteers to work in many different areas. When you sign up to volunteer you can choose the volunteer job that most interests you or most qualified for. Our Volunteer Coordinators will do their best to place you in your chosen area.
Up Next
Coming up on August 20 and 21st is #MSCTorontoIsland.
Less than 70 spots remain in the Sprint Triathlon and Duathlon.
Join the excitement and register today!
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