2014 Wasaga Beach Pre-Race Report
Thank you for registering to race with us in Wasaga Beach!
Local Presenting Sponsor
We would like to thank our Local Presenting Sponsor Absolute Endurance for their support. Please visit them on race day in the Recharge Zone. Please also visit their website for details on their products, services and the work they do with athletes.
Our thanks go out to Twin Lakes Secondary School and to Sarah Vurma for recruiting volunteers for the weekend.
We are very excited about our partnership with Recharge With Milk and the Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series! Look for the Recharge with Milk Team at the finish line for your sample of chocolate milk to help you refuel and recover!
Important Race Day Information
Please tell your friends that there will be on-site registrations.
*see our late registration policy for details when entering a race less than 10 days prior to event.
Bike Security
In order to ensure bike security every participant arriving to the race site will be stopped as they are initially entering transition and they will receive two (2) florescent bracelets. The first bracelet will be placed on the participant’s wrist and the second bracelet will be put on the participant’s bike. The two bracelets have matching numbers and in order to leave transition after the race is complete the participant must have both bracelets with the same matching number.
You will be asked to show your bracelet on your wrist every time you enter transition.
Weather Forecast
The 7 day forecast can be seen from the link above. We recommend you bring a wetsuit as the decision for a wetsuit optional swim is always made race morning as per ITU rulings (pg 17).
If you need to rent a wetsuit you can contact D’Ornella’s Bike Shop in Toronto at 416-752-3838.
Water Quality
Water Quality is Good. We are the only race series to have a Water Quality Guarantee. The Water Quality Guarantee Page has all the details.
Race Day Registration Process
In an effort to make your day go a little smoother we have put together a short video clip which highlights the process on race day. Please take a minute to view the video on MSCtv. You can also read the Race Day Guide, Racking By BIB Number and Racing Guide, all of which can be found in our Athlete Resource Section.
Racking by BIB number
Bikes are racked by BIB Number. The BIB numbers are assigned by age and gender so for most athletes that means you will be racked with people in your age group and gender. If you are new to our races, please read the section in our Athlete Resource Library on Racking Your Bike
My Sports Shooter
There can never be enough volunteers so please consider helping out on race day. Just drop by the Volunteer tent and we will be happy to find you a spot with our volunteer team. If you would like to check-out the volunteer opportunities, please visit our Volunteer page. You can also use the new online Volunteer Registration.
Race Day Guide
The Race Day Guide has plenty of information and tips as to what you can expect on day. Please visit the Race Day Guide page, especially if you are new to the sport.
Race Rules and Etiquette
Our Racing Guide has all sorts of information including wetsuit or no-wetsuit swims, bike etiquette, course nutrition and rules. The race rules can also be found in our Athlete Resource Library.
Race Specific Information
Each dedicated race page has all of the details that you need for race day including a schedule, course maps and descriptions.
Saturday, September 06, 2014
8:30 am – Give-It-A-Tri
10:30 am – Olympic Triathlon
10:30 am – Olympic Swim Bike
Sunday, September 07, 2014
9:00 am – Sprint Duathlon
9:00 am – Sprint Triathlon
Race Kit Pickups
Friday Sept 5th from 4:00PM to 6:00PM
Saturday Sept 6th from 7:00AM to 9:45AM
Sunday Sept 7th from 6:30AM to 8:45AM
Wave Starts
Waves | Categories |
8:30 AM | Pros / EAG M59 & Under |
8:33 AM | W39 & Under |
8:36 AM | M60+ W40+ Relays Paratriathletes |
Olympic Triathlon
Waves | Categories |
10:30 AM | Pros / EAGs M44 & Under |
10:33 AM | M45-59 W39 & Under |
10:36 AM | M60+ W40+ Relays Paratriathletes |
Sprint Triathlon
Waves | Categories |
9:00 AM | Pros / EAGs M39 & Under |
9:03 AM | M40-49 W24 & Under |
9:06 AM | M50-59 W25-39 |
9:09 AM | M60+ W40+ Relays Paratriathletes |
On Site Retailers
Staying There
The following featured accommodation is happy to serve MSC Triathlon Series participants. Book early!
361 Mosley Street
Located in the heart and soul of Wasaga Beach and just minutes from the race site.
Great rates available:
For more information, please visit www.wasagariverdocks.ca
We look forward to being of service to you!
There are plenty of parking lots in the area
Getting There
Suggested Directions from the GTA – PLEASE Watch CLOSELY for the Roads Listed Below!
- HWY 400 North to Barrie
- Continue North on HWY 400
- Exit at Horseshoe Valley Rd
- Turn Left (WEST) on Horseshoe Valley Rd and travel 4.5km WEST to County Road 27
- Turn Right (NORTH) on County Road 27 and travel 11km NORTH on to Elmvale
- Turn LEFT (WEST) onto Queen St/Road 92 and travel 15km WEST to Wasaga Beach
- Merge Right and follow Main Street towards the Beach
- Cross over the River Bridge and Continue Straight for 100m
View Map
Post Race Food
MultiSport Canada will be offering
- Pizza Dee’s Pizza Slices
- Chocolate Milk in the Recharge Zone
- Pretzels
- Bananas
- Oranges
- Pop
- Water
Get Connected And Stay Informed
Connect with us and the other 5100+ athletes on the the series Facebook Page. Get all of the latest news first and interact with your fellow racers.
You can also follow us on Twitter for series tweets.
Please Support our Sponsors
We extend our thanks to each and every sponsor. Race entry fees never cover the complete cost of a particular race or series of races and without the sponsors there is no race or race series that would survive without their support. We hope that you all take a moment to check out our Series Sponsors below or visit the sponsors page and see what they do and look at the products they sell. Please thank them for supporting the sports of Triathlon and Duathlon by trying and using their products. If you do visit them please take a moment to thank them for supporting Triathlon, Duathlon and Kids races in Ontario.
Title Sponsor
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Series Sponsors
Coaching & Training Sponsor | Volunteer Sponsor | Timing Sponsor |
Wetsuit Sponsor | Swim Course Sponsor | Eyewear & Rx Eyewear |
Custom Clothing Sponsor | Nutrition & Hydration Sponsor |
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Local Presenting Race Sponsors
Welland | Toronto Island, Wasaga Beach |
Belwood, Lakeside | Gravenhurst, Bala Falls, Bracebridge, Huronia |
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Silver Level Sponsors
Run Sponsor | Bike Trainer Sponsor | Official Bike Box | Compression Sponsor |
Nutrition Bar | Official Headwear | Recovery Sponsors |
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Retail Sponsors
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Local Partners
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Accommodation Sponsors
Gravenhurst | Woodstock Lakeside |
Welland | Toronto | Binbrook Welland |
See you on race day!
Our goal has always been to provide good quality races in a friendly environment. We take a great deal of pride that many people tell us that we are known as the participant friendly race series with a positive and easy going atmosphere.
Thank you for entering our race and I hope you enjoy the day. If you get the chance please say hello.
John Salt
Founder and Series Director
MultiSport Canada
If you know of anyone who you think may be interested in any of MultiSport Canada’s triathlon, duathlon or running events please forward this link.