
MultiSport Canada’s Awards Banquet & Personal Best’s Endurance Seminars and Clinics

MultiSport Canada’s Awards Banquet & Personal Best’s Endurance Seminars and Clinics Saturday December 3rd, 2016 at McMaster University, Hamilton, ON The single biggest endurance clinics and seminars day in history will take place on Saturday December 3rd , 2016. The day will be highlighted by long-time MultiSport Canada Ambassador, Lionel Sanders, Olympian, Andrew Yorke, 70.3 superstar Taylor […]

Lionel Sanders at the MSC Series Awards Day

Lionel Sanders and Richard Pady put on a great Q & A session yesterday at the MultiSport Canada Series Awards Day. If you were not able to be with us or would like to re-live the moment, we’ve uploaded the Q & A session to our MSC Triathlon YouTube Channel. The entire session is separated […]